Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Red Victor 3 Defies All Odds

And becomes THE fastest street legal car in the world! You can forget your Bugatti Veyron Supersports, you can forget your Koenigsegg Agera R's, the Vauxhall Victor is where its at. 

Andy Frost, was a man, a man with a plan. His plan was to make, the fastest street legal car in the world, so he took a humble Vauxhall Victor, see here. 

And did just that. He created a 2200bhp machine, known as Red Victor 1 or RV1 for short. It had a 9.3 litre V8 and did 0-60 in 1 second. It did a quarter mile in 7.8 seconds, a whole 3.3 seconds quicker than a McLaren F1!

Watch the video below for more info on RV1

Red Victor 2 followed...obviously...and that then became the fastest street legal car in the world, doing a quarter mile in 7.41 seconds at 197mph and had a top speed of 223mph!

Now, onto the main show, Red Victor 3.

This car, is quite clearly the third generation in the Red Victor family, but this time, its a bit more serious, its the first 6 second car in Europe, yet, it still has working windscreen wipers, horn, lights, all the "mod cons" of an everyday road car, which as a matter of fact, it can be used as, even though it does have around 3000bhp hidden away in its 8.8litre twin turbocharged V8 engine.

It has just managed to complete the quarter mile, in 6.59 seconds, and 220.9mph which for a car that is funded by one man, Andy Frost, and has been basically made in a shed, makes this a pretty incredible feat, all I can say to Andy is a massive congratulations on what he has achieved, and good luck for the future, a 5 second car maybe?

It is now time to sit back, and enjoy some RV3 videos.

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