Monday, June 4, 2012

My first attempt at making bobotie

My wife has a cookbook compiled by her large, Midwestern, Dutch-American extended family.  Between reliable American fare like pot roasts and casseroles, there are more exotic recipes for dishes from South Africa (Dutch Boers) and Indonesia (Dutch East Indies).  Bobotie is a fusion of different colonial influences.  (Perhaps our South African and Indonesian readers can fill us in on this dish).

The main ingredients are ground lamb, onions, tomato, and garlic.  It also has bananas, an apple, and dried apricots.  Seasonings include curry powder, salt, and pepper.

The dish turned out kind of bland.  I expected it to be more spicy since it supposedly has an Indonesian/Malay influence.  Perhaps the spiciness index was dialed back for Midwestern taste buds.

If I had to do it again, I would try cubed lamb or fresh ground lamb instead of pre-packaged ground lamb.  And instead of just "curry powder" out of a bottle, I would make and use my own blend.  

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