Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter from...Tarzana!

Am unexpectedly at the Tarzana Inn right now.  My plan yesterday was to visit some friends and then drive three hours north of Los Angeles and spend the night at some random beach town past Santa Barbara.  But with just two hours of sleep the night before, I was exhausted by 4 p.m. yesterday, just 15 miles into my three hour drive.  So I pulled off the autopista (I've been listening to traffic reports on a Mexican radio station) and got a room at the Inn.

Had a truly L.A. moment at dinner.  While enjoying lamb chops at a Persian eatery (if lamb were more available, I'd happily give up beef), I was eavesdropping on the two Chicanas seated next to me.  One was complaining to her friend about her Iranian mother-in-law and a scheduling conflict between a baptism/mass and Passover.  There's not only a large Persian population here, there's an Iranian Jewish diaspora here as well.

Finally, during my epic 15 mile drive, I heard this piece on the effects of global warming.  Spring has sprung early here in the U.S.  Last month, over 7,000 temperature records were broken.  As a result of the earlier warm weather, crime is up, outdoor accidents/injuries have risen, and people are suffering from allergies longer.  At one point, it was 90 degrees (32 C) here yesterday!

And yes, Tarzana is named after Tarzan.  Only in L.A.

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